Restart your professional life: Empowering jobs for women after career break

Refuse to be defined by career breaks

F5 is where women like you refresh, reload, and resume their careers after a break.


    Between 2012 and 2021, 25 million Indian women quit their jobs. 68% of them never returned to work.

    At F5, we’re on a mission to flip the script and equip women to relaunch their careers with confidence.


    F5–as in some keyboards–is the key that lets you Refresh, Reload, and Resume your growth in your career path. With F5, you get the opportunity to speak up, brainstorm, and excel in the workplace.

F5 is for you

If you’re someone who’s taken a break for reasons like

Family icon

Start a family

Raise your family icon

Raise your family

Volunteer icon


Wellbeing icon

Focus on your wellbeing

Care for a loved one icon

Care for a loved one

Simply needed a break icon

Simply needed a break

Things beyond your control icon

Things beyond your control

How you’ll benefit from F5

    A seamless transition back to the workforce

    An opportunity to contribute to the country’s GDP

    Mentorship from the bests in the industry

    Regain financial independence

    A platform to network and upskill

    Stay in the know about hiring opportunities and trends

Why Women Should Return to the Workforce


Only 25% of India’s labour force is female


India’s GDP growth rate would grow to 27% if gender parity was reached


India could boost its growth by 1.5% points per year even if half the women return from their career breaks


Women with a valid career break of a minimum of 2 months are eligible to apply.

Yes, you may apply for companies relevant to your previous experience and job roles.

Begin by creating an account with us. Provide us with your essential information and upload your most up-to-date resume. This will allow us to tailor our services to your specific needs and preferences, enhancing your job search experience.

No questions asked, your potential and passion are what is valued.

At the moment we provide opportunities only in India.

Let us know about you

Kindly fill out the form with basic information so that we can get in touch with you.

Choose an option
Choose an industry

Example: Leadership, Communication, Front-end Development, Data Analytics etc.

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